Best Maokai Jungle Runes: Phase Rush Build (48.4% WR)
Optimal Maokai Jungle Runes (Patch 15.4)
Primary: Sorcery
- Keystone: Phase Rush (48.4% WR)
- Axiom Arcanist
- Transcendence
- Waterwalking
Secondary: Inspiration
- Magical Footwear
- Cosmic Insight
Champion Matchups
Strong Against:
- Mel (60.7% WR)
- Lux (56.3% WR)
- Tahm Kench (54.5% WR)
- Brand (54.4% WR)
- Pantheon (54.0% WR)
- Karma (53.7% WR)
Weak Against:
- Taric (42.5% WR)
- Swain (45.5% WR)
- Sona (47.1% WR)
- Leona (47.4% WR)
- Braum (47.7% WR)
- Vel'Koz (47.8% WR)
Best ADC Synergies:
- Zeri (59.7% WR)
- Draven (55.5% WR)
- Tristana (53.5% WR)
- Miss Fortune (53.4% WR)
- Sivir (53.1% WR)
- Lucian (52.5% WR)
Key Tips:
- Maximize R usage in teamfights - engage then fall back to protect carries
- Place Saplings (E) in bushes before first camp spawns
- Focus on early ganking with point-and-click W CC
Stats based on 1,811 matches.
Note: For detailed build stats and pro builds, check specialized League of Legends analytics platforms.
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