League of Legends: Sion's Complete Patch History
Let me help rewrite this patch history in a more concise and valuable format focused on key changes and improvements:
Sion Patch History Overview
Recent Changes:
- Fixed bug causing uncontrollable Q charge when respawning
- Fixed movement command issues after zombie state expires
- Increased Soul Furnace damage health ratio to 14% at all ranks
- Fixed corpse collision targeting issues
- No longer interrupted by Kassadin's Null Sphere
Major Balance Updates:
- Base shield reduced to 60/75/90/105/120
- Shield health ratio increased to 8/10/12/14/16%
- Base health increased to 655 from 615
- Base mana increased to 400 from 330
- Maximum Q base damage increased to 90/155/220/285/350
Bug Fixes & Quality of Life:
- Fixed issues with Soul Furnace stacks from Voidmites
- Movement speed decay rate normalized
- Crowd control immunity now properly resists allied CC
- Fixed Guardian keystone functionality after death
- Improved attack timing and basic attack responsiveness
Ability Updates:
- Decimating Smash: Now deals 50% bonus damage to monsters
- Roar of the Slayer: Armor reduction duration increased to 4 seconds
- Unstoppable Onslaught: Fixed various targeting and control issues
- Glory in Death: Health decay adjusted to scale better with levels
Visual & Technical:
- Complete visual upgrade across all skins
- New splash art for base skin
- New voiceover and updated lore
- Fixed various animation and particle effect issues
- Improved ability tooltips and descriptions
The champion received a full relaunch transforming him into the Undead Juggernaut, with an entirely new kit focused on charging into battle and becoming an unstoppable force.
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