League of Legends Kassadin Patch History: A Complete List of Changes
A concise patch history for Kassadin in League of Legends, highlighting the most significant changes:
Recent Major Changes:
Null Sphere (Q)
- Shield now granted on cast instead of missile fire
- Base shield increased to 80/110/140/170/200
- Shield AP ratio reduced to 30% AP
Force Pulse (E)
- No longer requires 6 ability casts to use
- Cooldown reduction from nearby ability casts (1 second)
- Cooldown increased to 21/19/17/15/13 seconds
Riftwalk (R)
- Base damage reduced to 70/90/110
- Stack damage reduced to 35/45/55
- Maximum damage reduced to 210/270/330
- Mana costs adjusted for better scaling
Key Historical Updates:
- Visual Update with new models/textures/animations
- Shifted from silence to interrupt on Q
- Reworked W (Nether Blade) mechanics
- Adjusted mana costs and scalings
- Multiple balance passes on R stack system
Core Mechanics:
- Void Stone passive provides magic damage reduction
- Q provides magic shield and interrupts channels
- W enhances auto attacks with magic damage
- E charges from nearby spells
- R allows short-range blinks with stacking costs
Base Stats Evolution:
- Health/mana growth increased
- Armor/MR adjustments for durability
- Movement speed standardized at 335
- Attack range set to 150
The champion has been iteratively balanced to maintain his identity as an anti-mage assassin while providing more counterplay options.
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