League of Legends Creature Wiki: Complete Guide to Shuriman Beasts

League of Legends Creature Wiki: Complete Guide to Shuriman Beasts

By Marcus Chen

February 11, 2025 at 10:32 PM

This article describes various creatures and wildlife found in the Shuriman desert, followed by Vayne's patch history in Wild Rift.

Brackern are ancient creatures living in clans around the Shuriman Continent.

Dormun are massive, armored creatures that can sense hidden water sources. Nomadic tribes build homes on their backs and maintain a symbiotic relationship with them.

Desert landscape with massive stone structures

Desert landscape with massive stone structures

Eka'Sul are desert goats that travel in herds, while Mwatis are goat-like creatures valued for their wool and protective head plates.

Kmiros are giant scarabs that hunt in swarms, commonly preyed upon by Rammus.

Rek'Sai, purple void creature burrowing

Rek'Sai, purple void creature burrowing

Outerbeasts, including the Xer'Sai, are Void creatures that plague the southern deserts. The Xer'Sai queen, Rek'Sai, is the largest and most dangerous of her species.

Ralsiji are aggressive, minotaur-like quadrupeds with humped backs and thick horns.

Shuriman Camels are native desert animals used for transportation, though vulnerable to predators like the Xer'Sai.

Sandswimmers are large creatures that travel in predictable patterns under the sand, feeding on small desert creatures.

Two beasts crossing desert landscape

Two beasts crossing desert landscape

Sandstone arches in desert landscape

Sandstone arches in desert landscape

Three travelers with camels in desert

Three travelers with camels in desert

Ancient desert city with golden pyramids

Ancient desert city with golden pyramids

Shuriman market with city backdrop

Shuriman market with city backdrop

Skallashi are large herbivores known for their long legs and bad tempers. They're treated with reverence, often decorated with protective symbols, and owning one indicates prosperity.

Vayne's Wild Rift Patch History:

  • Attack speed growth reduced from 3.2% to 2.2%
  • Night Hunter movement speed bonus reduced to 10/15/20
  • Condemn cooldown adjusted to 21/18/15/12 seconds
  • Base health reduced to 540
  • Base armor reduced to 31
  • Various other balance adjustments to abilities including Silver Bolts, Final Hour, and base stats

[Continued patch notes showing progressive balance changes from release to current version]

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