League of Legends: Blitzcrank Champion Guide and Information
Blitzcrank is a powerful support champion in League of Legends who specializes in grabbing and displacing enemies. Originally created as a steam golem, they now serve as a champion known for their unique hook-based gameplay.
Key Abilities:
Mana Barrier (Passive)
- Generates a shield equal to 30% of maximum mana when health drops below 30%
- Shield lasts 10 seconds
- 90-second cooldown
Rocket Grab (Q)
- Fires mechanical hand that pulls first enemy hit towards Blitzcrank
- Deals magic damage and briefly stuns target
- Core ability for initiating fights and catching enemies
Overdrive (W)
- Temporarily increases movement and attack speed
- Movement speed decays over duration
- Brief self-slow when effect ends
Power Fist (E)
- Empowers next attack to knock up target and deal bonus damage
- 1-second knock-up duration
- Auto-attack reset
Static Field (R)
- Passive: Basic attacks mark enemies, dealing periodic magic damage
- Active: Damages and silences nearby enemies
- Destroys enemy shields before applying damage
Key Stats:
- Melee range
- Uses mana
- Classified as Support/Tank
- Medium difficulty rating
- Released in 2009
- Costs 1350 BE or 585 RP
Blitzcrank excels at creating picks and initiating fights by isolating key targets with Rocket Grab. Their kit combines crowd control with durability, making them an effective support champion focused on disruption and peel.

Gold robot with mechanical grabbing arms
Recent Changes:
- Shield duration increased to 10 seconds
- Various ability damage and scaling adjustments
- Visual effects updated across all skins
This champion succeeds through properly timed hooks and protecting allies with crowd control abilities. Their unique ability to grab enemies through walls and displace them makes Blitzcrank a constant threat that enemies must respect.
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