Karma Support 2024 Guide: Complete Champion Analysis
Karma is a versatile support champion who combines the poke potential of a mage with the protective abilities of an enchanter. This unique combination makes her effective throughout all game phases and particularly strong in lane.
Skill Order Priority:
- R (Ultimate available at level 1)
- Q - Inner Flame
- E - Inspire
- W - Focused Resolve
Skill Order Strategy:
- Early Lane (Levels 1-5): Put 3 points in Q for lane dominance
- Mid Game Focus: Max E for enhanced shield protection
- Alternative Path: Max Q completely for aggressive playstyle
- Consider W max second against melee-heavy teams
Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
- Stealth Ward
Core Build:
- Shurelya's Battlesong (Mythic)
- Chemtech Putrifier
- Ardent Censer
Situational Items:
- Staff of Flowing Water (AP-heavy team)
- Redemption (against burst damage)
- Mikael's Blessing (against heavy CC)
- Imperial Mandate (aggressive playstyle)
Laning Phase Tips:
- Use R+Q for safe poke and wave control
- Shield allies before trades
- Maintain vision control
- Coordinate ganks with W root
- Conserve mana for important trades
Team Fighting:
- Position behind frontline
- Prioritize E on carries
- Use R+E for team-wide shields
- Save W for peeling threats
- Coordinate ultimates with team engages
Karma excels at both defensive and offensive playstyles, making her an excellent first-pick support. Focus on mastering ability combinations and positioning to maximize her effectiveness in both lane and team fights.
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