Jax Champion Guide: Ultimate Counter-Strike Bruiser for Toplane
Jax is a powerful bruiser champion excelling in autoattack-based combat and split pushing. His unique mix of damage and tankiness makes him versatile in both 1v1 situations and team fights.
Core Strengths:
- Strong scaling into late game
- Excellent duelist and split pusher
- Effective against autoattack-based champions
- Versatile build paths
Ability Priority:
- W (Empower) - Main damage source and trading tool
- E (Counter Strike) - Defensive ability and CC
- Q (Leap Strike) - Mobility tool
Counter Strike [E] is Jax's signature ability, allowing him to dodge all incoming autoattacks and stun nearby enemies, making him particularly effective against ADCs and autoattack-reliant champions like Bel'veth or Kindred.
Skill Order:
- Max W > E > Q
- W first for lane trading power
- E second for reduced cooldown
- Q last (mobility isn't primary focus)
Core Items: Starting Items:
- Corrupting Potion OR
- Doran's Blade + Health Potion
Essential Items:
- Trinity Force/Divine Sunderer (Sheen item core)
- Death's Dance
- Black Cleaver
Situational Items:
- Blade of the Ruined King (vs tanks)
- Maw of Malmortius (vs AP)
- Guardian Angel (when ahead)
- Sterak's Gage (teamfight focus)
Build Strategy: Focus on items that provide:
- Health and AD (synergizes with ultimate)
- Sheen effects (amplifies W damage)
- Wave clear capabilities (compensates for limited AOE)
Runes: Primary: Resolve Secondary: Inspiration
- Strong split pusher
- Excellent duelist
- Scales well into late game
- Can flex between splitpush and teamfight roles
- Excels against autoattack-based champions
Jax's ultimate provides bonus resistances based on AD, making him naturally tanky while building damage items. This unique scaling allows for flexible build paths while maintaining strong defensive capabilities.
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