Full Janna Support Guide: Ultimate Champion Strategy & Build
Janna excels as a defensive enchanter support, offering unparalleled protection and disengage potential through her wind-based abilities.
Core Abilities Overview
Passive - Tailwind: Grants movement speed to Janna and nearby allies when moving towards each other.
Q - Howling Storm: Creates a directional tornado that can be charged to increase its range, speed, and knockup duration. Key for disrupting enemy engages and setting up plays.
W - Zephyr: Passively grants movement speed. When activated, slows and damages a target enemy.
E - Eye of the Storm: Shields an ally and grants bonus AD. Shield and healing power increase after CC'ing enemies.
R - Monsoon: Knocks back nearby enemies and creates a healing field for allies.
Skill Order Priority
- E - Eye of the Storm (Max first for stronger shields)
- W - Zephyr
- Q - Howling Storm (One point early for utility)
Optimal Runes
Sorcery (Primary)
- Aery
- Manaflow Band
- Transcendence
- Gathering Storm
Inspiration (Secondary)
- Glacial Augment
- Perfect Timing
Core Build Path
Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
- Stealth Ward
Essential Items:
- Moonstone Renewer
- Ardent Censer
- Staff of Flowing Water
Situational Items:
- Redemption
- Mikael's Blessing
- Chemtech Putrifier (vs healing)
- Shurelya's Battlesong (for engage comps)
Playstyle Tips
Early Game:
- Harass safely with W and auto-attacks
- Save Q for disengage or ganks
- Shield ADC during trades
Mid-Late Game:
- Position behind frontline
- Use R to peel for carries
- Time shields to maximize AD bonus
- Control vision around objectives
Master Howling Storm's charge timing to maximize its effectiveness - this separates good Janna players from great ones.
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