The Complete Season 15 Ivern Jungle Guide - Become the Green Father
Friend of the Forest allows Ivern to create magical groves on jungle camps. After a brief channel, he frees the monsters, gaining gold and experience without combat. When allies are nearby, they can collect a share of rewards by attacking marked camps.
Create Groves (Passive)
- Channel time scales down with level
- Costs health and mana
- Gains gold and XP when grove matures
- Smite instantly frees camps
Rootcaller (Q)
- Throws vine that roots first enemy hit
- Allies can dash to rooted targets
- Key for ganks and teamfights
Brushmaker (W)
- Creates brush that grants vision
- Empowers Ivern's attacks from brush
- Good for vision control and ambush
Triggerseed (E)
- Shields target ally or self
- Explodes after duration, dealing damage
- Slows nearby enemies
- Main protective tool
Daisy! (R)
- Summons golem companion
- Knocks up enemies on third hit
- Can be controlled like pet
- Strong for objectives and fights
Optimal Skill Order: R > E > Q > W
Core Items:
- Moonstone Renewer
- Redemption
- Staff of Flowing Water
Key Gameplay Tips:
- Use passive efficiently for early pathing
- Shield allies before fights
- Position brushes for vision advantage
- Keep Daisy alive for sustained pressure
- Focus on enabling carry teammates
Best suited for teams with strong melee carries like Irelia, Riven or Yasuo who benefit from his shields and supportive playstyle. Excels at teamfighting from backline while protecting and empowering allies.
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