Fiora Top Build Guide: Best Builds and Counters for Patch 15.4
Fiora is a powerful top lane duelist who excels at split pushing and 1v1 combat. With a current win rate of 54.5% across 5,923 matches, here's the optimal way to build and play her:
Core Build
- First Item: Ravenous Hydra
- Boots: Plated Steelcaps
- Second Core: Trinity Force
- Full Build: Hullbreaker > Death's Dance > Spear of Shojin
Recommended Runes
- Primary: Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Last Stand
- Secondary: Bone Plating, Unflinching
- Shards: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Health Scaling
Summoner Spells
- Flash
- Teleport
Skill Order Q > E > W
Key Tips
- Focus on split pushing rather than team fighting
- Trade when enemies waste key abilities
- Excel in extended trades with your passive
- Use your mobility to chase down opponents
Strong Against:
- Sylas (60.5% WR)
- K'Sante (58.3% WR)
- Akali (56.7% WR)
Weak Against:
- Zac (42.3% WR)
- Tryndamere (43.1% WR)
- Warwick (44.0% WR)
Alternative Builds
- Grasp Build
- Keystone: Grasp of the Undying
- Core Items: Same as above
- Win Rate: 54.2% over 5,628 matches
- Press the Attack Build
- Core Items: Same but with Sterak's Gage
- Summoners: Flash + Ignite
- Win Rate: 55.1% over 2,285 matches
Adjust your item build based on matchup and team composition. Consider defensive items against burst damage or healing reduction against sustain-heavy opponents.
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