Optimized Elise Support Build Guide: Runes, Items & Counters - Patch 15.4
Here's a concise, optimized guide for Elise Support in Emerald+ ranked games:
Best Build (52.8% WR, 24,707 matches):
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Ignite
- Runes: Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Deep Ward, Relentless Hunter, Coup de Grace, Triumph
- Rune Shards: Adaptive Force (x2), Health
- Core Items: Bloodsong > Sorcerer's Shoes > Stormsurge
- Full Build: Add Shadowflame, Zhonya's Hourglass, Void Staff
- Skill Order: Q > W > E
Strong Against (Win Rate):
- LeBlanc (59.3%)
- Zoe (59.0%)
- Mel (58.6%)
- Pyke (56.8%)
- Sylas (56.8%)
Weak Against (Win Rate):
- Taric (42.8%)
- Neeko (45.2%)
- Sona (46.4%)
- Maokai (47.0%)
- Braum (48.1%)
Best ADC Synergies (Win Rate):
- Kog'Maw (57.2%)
- Ziggs (56.7%)
- Ashe (54.8%)
- Miss Fortune (53.5%)
- Draven (53.3%)
Alternative Build Options:
Aggressive Build (53.5% WR):
- Same setup but with Dark Harvest instead of Electrocute
- Replace Cheap Shot with Sudden Impact
Defensive Build (50.1% WR):
- First item: Zaz'Zak's Realmspike
- Rest of build remains same
Situational Items:
- Build Armor or Magic Resist shards based on lane matchup
- Consider Celestial Opposition against heavy AD comps
- Build Symbiotic Soles when more mobility is needed
Note: All win rates and statistics are based on Emerald+ ranked games in the current patch.
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