Best Volibear Jungle Runes - 50.2% Win Rate in Patch 15.4
Press the Attack is the optimal keystone rune for Volibear Jungle in patch 15.4, maintaining a 50.2% win rate across 2,826 matches with a 59.6% pick rate.
Primary Runes (Precision)
- Keystone: Press the Attack
- Triumph
- Legend: Alacrity
- Coup de Grace
Secondary Runes (Sorcery)
- Celerity
- Waterwalking
Strong Against:
- Tahm Kench (66.7% WR)
- Yorick (61.9% WR)
- Sylas (61.5% WR)
- Yasuo (60.3% WR)
- Kled (58.0% WR)
- Rumble (55.6% WR)
Weak Against:
- Vayne (36.2% WR)
- Olaf (36.8% WR)
- Urgot (41.0% WR)
- Warwick (41.3% WR)
- Malphite (44.1% WR)
- Vladimir (44.3% WR)
Best Duo Synergies:
- Jarvan IV (54.5% WR)
- Kayn (54.4% WR)
- Nocturne (53.2% WR)
- Wukong (52.5% WR)
- Xin Zhao (52.5% WR)
- Vi (52.0% WR)
Key Tips:
- Approach lanes closely before activating Q to ensure CC lands
- Use Ultimate (R) confidently for tower dives when your laner can follow up
- Capitalize on mid-game picks using Ultimate (R) and Q combination against isolated targets
Advanced Tactics Look for opportunities to catch enemies alone or out of position during mid-game phase. Your Ultimate and Q combination provides strong pick potential when coordinated with your team.
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