Best Volibear Top Runes and Winrates for Patch 15.4
Stay ahead in lane by keeping minion waves close to your tower during early game. This positioning enables better trading opportunities before level 6.
Optimal Runes Setup - 49.6% Win Rate
- Primary (Resolve): Grasp of the Undying, Shield Bash, Bone Plating, Revitalize
- Secondary (Precision): Presence of Mind, Legend: Haste
Strong Matchups
- Tahm Kench (67.0% WR)
- Yorick (61.9% WR)
- Sylas (61.5% WR)
- Yasuo (60.3% WR)
- Kled (58.0% WR)
Weak Matchups
- Vayne (36.2% WR)
- Olaf (36.8% WR)
- Warwick (41.0% WR)
- Urgot (41.0% WR)
- Malphite (44.2% WR)
Best Jungle Synergies
- Jarvan IV (54.5% WR)
- Kayn (54.3% WR)
- Nocturne (53.2% WR)
- Wukong (52.9% WR)
- Xin Zhao (52.7% WR)
Key Tips
- Maximize Q effectiveness by getting close to enemies before activation
- Focus on securing early game advantages to ease mid and late game
- Control wave position for better trade opportunities
- Look for pre-6 trades when wave is in favorable position
Remember to adapt your playstyle based on matchups and team composition. Early advantages are crucial for Volibear's scaling into mid and late game phases.
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