Best Pantheon Jungle Counters for League of Legends 2024
Pantheon Jungle Counter Guide
Strong early-game champions and tanky bruisers effectively counter Pantheon in the jungle. Here's how to deal with him:
Best Counter Picks:
- Gwen: Scales better and can dodge his abilities
- Rek'Sai: Early game pressure and true damage
- Volibear: Tanky with strong dueling potential
- Darius: Outscales and wins extended fights
- Rammus: Armor stacking nullifies damage
Early Game Strategy:
- Track his position with deep wards
- Avoid solo encounters unless you have a clear advantage
- Warn lanes when he reaches level 6
- Place vision near mid and side lanes to spot his ultimate ganks
Mid-Game Tactics:
- Ward flanks to prevent surprise engages
- Counter his split-pushing by forcing 5v4 fights
- Watch for Flash + W combo engages
- Coordinate with team to collapse when his ultimate is down
Power Spike Windows:
- Level 3: First gank potential
- Level 6: Global presence with ultimate
- Completed jungle item: Increased kill pressure
Tips for Support Players:
- Keep river warded
- Save CC for when he engages
- Protect carries during team fights
- Help track his ultimate cooldown
Strong Synergies:
- Global ultimate champions
- Early game pressure junglers
- Engage supports
Watch for:
- Early ganks and invades
- Level 6 cross-map plays
- Flash + W combo engages
- Side lane pressure
Remember to scale and farm safely, as Pantheon's effectiveness decreases in late game. Focus on objective control and team fighting after 25 minutes.
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