Aphelios Champion Guide: Master the 5 Weapons of the Lunari Marksman
Aphelios is a unique marksman who utilizes five different weapons, each with distinct abilities and effects. He always carries two weapons at a time, switchable with W, and each weapon has 50 ammunition.
Core Mechanics:
- Normal attacks use 1 ammunition
- Q abilities cost 10 ammunition
- Weapon abilities don't share cooldowns
- Gains stats instead of ability levels: Q (AD), W (Attack Speed), E (Lethality)
The Five Weapons:
- Calibrum (Green - Sniper)
- Extends attack range by 100 units
- Marks targets hit by abilities
- Q: Fires long-range shot, marking first target hit
- Severum (Red - Pistol)
- Provides lifesteal
- Attacks ignore Windwall
- Q: Rush ability with multiple attacks using both weapons
- Gravitum (Purple - Cannon)
- Applies 30% decaying slow
- Q: Roots slowed targets for 1 second
- Infernum (Blue - Flamethrower)
- Deals splash damage behind targets
- Q: Cone attack followed by off-hand weapon attacks
- Crescendum (White - Chakram)
- Boomerang attacks with attack speed scaling
- Q: Places turret that uses off-hand weapon
Ultimate (Moonlight Vigil): Each weapon provides unique effects when used with ultimate:
- Calibrum: Enhanced marks with bonus damage
- Severum: Healing
- Gravitum: 99% slow and extended root
- Infernum: AoE damage
- Crescendum: Generates chakrams
Skill Priority:
- Q (Attack Damage)
- E (Lethality)
- W (Attack Speed)
Core Items:
- Mythic: Collector or Infinity Edge
- Core: Berserker's Greaves, Bloodthirster
- Situational: Lord Dominik's, Guardian Angel

Man in black shirt headshot
This champion requires significant practice to master weapon combinations and timings, but offers tremendous potential when played correctly.
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