Complete Guide to Mastering Maokai Top: Strategy & Builds
Maokai is a powerful supertank champion excelling at crowd control and team fight initiation. His kit combines excellent CC abilities with natural tankiness, making him an ideal frontline protector for his team.
Key Strengths:
- Strong crowd control abilities
- Excellent team fight initiator
- Provides vision control with E
- Natural tankiness through passive healing
- Reliable engage with Ultimate (R)
Early Game Strategy:
- Play conservatively in early levels
- Keep minion wave close to your tower
- Use brush control and E for zoning
- Focus on farming and surviving until level 6
- Coordinate with jungler for ganks post-6
Mid Game Approach:
- Split push when Ultimate is on cooldown
- Group with team when Ultimate is available
- Look for pick opportunities using R-W combo
- Utilize side lane pressure for objectives
- Control vision to enable flanking opportunities
Late Game Power:
- Excellent team fight presence
- Strong peeling capabilities for carries
- Frequent Ultimate usage (shorter cooldown)
- High durability through items and passive
- Effective at catching isolated targets
Key Tips:
- Always fight with Ultimate available
- Coordinate engages with team
- Prioritize peeling for carries in teamfights
- Use vision control for better engages
- Build tank items for maximizing durability
- Vulnerable early game
- Countered by Grievous Wounds
- Susceptible to ranged harassment
- Reliant on team follow-up
- Limited damage output
Build Focus:
- Prioritize tank items
- Get early CDR for ability rotations
- Build situational resistance items
- Include mobility items for better engages
Combat Tips:
- Use W-Q combo for guaranteed CC
- Layer CC abilities for maximum effect
- Position Ultimate to force advantageous paths
- Save defensive abilities for counter-engage
- Utilize brush control for surprise engages
Recommended Counters: Average Average Average Average
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