Best Akshan Mid Build Guide: Win Rate, Runes & Items 15.3
An efficient and comprehensive Akshan mid-lane build guide for current meta.
Most Popular Build (53.5% WR, 6,732 matches)
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Ignite
- Runes: Press the Attack, Presence of Mind, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace
- Secondary: Bone Plating, Overgrowth
- Shards: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Health Scaling
- Core Items: Statikk Shiv → Boots of Swiftness → The Collector
- Full Build: Add Infinity Edge → Lord Dominik's Regards → Rapid Firecannon
- Skill Order: Q > E > W
Key Tips:
- Conserve E usage during laning phase to avoid vulnerability
- Auto-attack before Q to maximize passive stack efficiency
- Time ultimate usage when enemy CC abilities are on cooldown
Strong Against (Win Rate):
- Smolder (63.0%)
- Karma (60.0%)
- Qiyana (59.6%)
- LeBlanc (59.4%)
- Yone (58.3%)
Weak Against (Win Rate):
- Naafiri (42.4%)
- Kayle (42.7%)
- Anivia (43.3%)
- Lissandra (45.0%)
- Tristana (45.5%)
Best Synergies:
- Karthus (56.2%)
- Amumu (55.6%)
- Hecarim (55.6%)
- Shaco (55.2%)
- Gwen (53.8%)
Alternative Build Options:
- Burst Build: The Collector first, same runes
- Kraken Build: Kraken Slayer start, Mercury's Treads
- Off-Meta (Electrocute): Statikk Shiv start, focus on burst damage
Situational Items:
- Adjust defensive shards based on lane opponent
- Consider Mortal Reminder vs healing
- Immortal Shieldbow for survivability
- Bloodthirster for sustain
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