League of Legends Character Guide: Complete List of Champions and Creatures

League of Legends Character Guide: Complete List of Champions and Creatures

By Marcus Chen

February 8, 2025 at 12:57 PM

A massive stone colossus, Galio stands guard outside the Great City of Demacia. Built as a defense against enemy mages, he remains motionless for decades until powerful magic awakens him. When active, he relishes combat and protecting Demacian citizens, though his victories are bittersweet since the magic he destroys is what gives him life.

Built between 292-349 AN, Galio first awakened on the Greenfang Mountains when absorbing magic from Noxian warmages attacking Demacian soldiers. His enormous petricite body stands 25 meters tall, featuring wing motifs and gold accents that give him a regal appearance.

Key Abilities:

  • Magic Absorption: His petricite body absorbs nearby magic
  • Immense Strength: Can destroy armies and create shockwaves
  • Invulnerability: Extremely resistant to physical damage
  • Flight: Despite size, capable of aerial movement
  • Combat Skills: Skilled in hand-to-hand combat

Notable Relationships:

  • Created by Arcturus J. Durand
  • Fought Vladimir and Noxian forces
  • Guardian to Luxanna Crownguard, first person to have a real conversation with him
  • Helped defend against Sylas and the Winter's Claw

Personality: When active, Galio is cheerful and eager to help, though wary of most mages due to past conflicts. He particularly enjoys protecting Demacians and engaging in combat, despite knowing each victory will return him to dormancy.

Cultural Impact: The Memorial Road leading to Galio becomes a pilgrimage site where Demacians pay tribute to their protector. Birds often nest in his crown, and his presence has become a powerful symbol of Demacian resolve.

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