Annie Support Guide - Master Control in Bot Lane
Annie Support excels at providing reliable crowd control and unexpected burst damage from the support role. Her combination of stuns, range, and shield makes her a formidable lane presence.
Core Abilities Priority
- E - Molten Shield
- Q - Disintegrate
- W - Incinerate
- R - Summon: Tibbers
Ability Leveling Order
- Start E (Molten Shield)
- Q at level 2
- Max E first
- Then max Q or W (personal preference)
- R whenever possible
Why E First?
- Provides shield and movement speed
- Deals damage when attacked
- Helps proc support item gold generation
- Essential for early lane presence
Core Items
- Starting: Spellthief's Edge, 2 Health Potions
- Early: Dark Seal, Boots
- Core: Liandry's Anguish, Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Situational: Zhonya's Hourglass, Void Staff
Support Playstyle
- Focus on stun management with passive
- Use E to protect ADC and proc support item
- Save stun for engage or disengage
- Coordinate R-stun combos with team
- Position aggressively when stun is ready
- Roam mid when lane is pushed
Annie support differs from mid Annie by prioritizing utility and team setup over pure damage. While you still build AP items, focus on those that provide additional utility effects to enhance your support role.
- Keep track of your stun charges
- Use E for mobility and protection
- Coordinate engages with jungler
- Consider Flash-R-W combo for teamfights
- Ward aggressively when ahead
- Build according to team needs
Annie support excels at creating opportunities for the team while maintaining the threat of significant burst damage, making her a versatile pick in the support role.
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