Amumu Support Guide: Tanky Engage Support with Powerful CC Chains
Amumu Support is an unconventional yet effective tank support champion who excels at crowd control and team fight initiation. His ability to lock down multiple enemies makes him a powerful presence in the bot lane.
Core Abilities
- Passive: Cursed Touch - Enhances magic damage against marked targets
- Q: Bandage Toss - Primary engage tool and single-target stun
- W: Despair - AoE damage (use sparingly due to mana costs)
- E: Tantrum - Damage reduction and AoE damage
- R: Curse of the Sad Mummy - Game-changing AoE stun
Skill Priority
- Q (Bandage Toss)
- E (Tantrum)
- W (Despair) R whenever possible
Build Path
Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Evenshroud
- Zeke's Convergence
- Knight's Vow
Situational Items:
- Frozen Heart (vs AD-heavy teams)
- Abyssal Mask (vs AP-heavy teams)
- Thornmail (vs healing)
Early Game:
- Look for Q engages when enemy is out of position
- Conserve mana and avoid overusing W
- Focus on protecting ADC with E's damage reduction
Mid Game:
- Coordinate engages with jungler
- Use ultimate for objective fights
- Create pick opportunities with Q
Late Game:
- Look for multi-champion ultimates in teamfights
- Peel for carries when needed
- Focus on engaging priority targets
- Strong engage potential
- Multiple forms of CC
- Good teamfight presence
- Enhances team's magic damage
- Mana intensive
- Vulnerable to poke
- Reliant on hitting skill shots
- Can be countered by mobility
This off-meta support excels in team compositions that need reliable engage tools and can follow up on his crowd control. While not a traditional support, Amumu's strong CC chain and tank capabilities make him a viable option in the support role.
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