Guide: Mastering Maokai Support - The Ultimate Tank & CC Expert
Maokai is a powerful support tank champion who excels at crowd control and team fight initiation. His kit makes him an excellent frontline defender and peeler for carries.
Key Strengths:
- Strong CC abilities with W root and Q knockback
- Ultimate (R) provides long-range engage potential
- Excellent vision control with E saplings
- High survivability through passive healing
- Great at setting up picks and ganks
Main Weaknesses:
- Vulnerable early game, especially against ranged champions
- Countered by Grievous Wounds
- Reliant on good vision control
- Limited damage output
Power Spikes:
- Level 2: Gains access to basic CC combo
- Level 6: Ultimate unlocks team fight potential
- Level 9: E sapling damage maximized
- Late game: Becomes extremely tanky with strong utility
Gameplay Tips:
- Place saplings in brush for maximum damage and vision control
- Start ganking at level 3 with W-Q combo
- Use ultimate from fog of war for best engage potential
- Focus on peeling for carries in team fights
- Control choke points and river for optimal fights
- Coordinate with jungler for invades
Strategic Phases: Early Game:
- Focus on brush control with saplings
- Look for level 2-3 all-ins
- Prioritize boots for roaming potential
Mid Game:
- Coordinate picks with team
- Set up vision control in enemy jungle
- Initiate objective fights with ultimate
Late Game:
- Tank for team and peel for carries
- Use ultimate frequently for picks
- Focus on teamfight presence
- Maximize brush control for ambushes
Champions with similar playstyles:
- [Image placeholders for related champions]
For maximum effectiveness, coordinate with your team and focus on vision control while building tank items to enhance survivability.
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