Alistar Support: A Complete Guide to the Tankiest Support
Alistar is a beginner-friendly Support champion known for his powerful crowd control and tank capabilities.
Core Strengths:
- Easy to learn and execute basic combos
- Versatile W ability for outplay potential
- Powerful Ultimate providing damage reduction
- Excellent tower dive potential
- Strong roaming capabilities
Main Weaknesses:
- Limited range
- Team-dependent for follow-up
- Difficult to disengage without Flash
- Vulnerable after engaging
Early Game Strategy:
- Rush level 3 for full ability combo
- Look for all-in opportunities when enemies overextend
- Start roaming after getting boots
- Set up tower dives with Ultimate
- Support jungler during invades
Mid Game Priorities:
- Aim for multi-target knockups in team fights
- Focus on zoning enemy junglers during objectives
- Create picks in side lanes
- Establish deep vision control
- Execute tower dives with team coordination
Late Game Approach:
- Utilize short Ultimate cooldown for aggressive plays
- Secure picks before major objectives
- Zone enemy carries in team fights
- Act as primary frontline
- Protect carries with peeling abilities
Power Spikes:
- Level 2: Access to W-Q combo
- Level 6: Ultimate unlock for dive potential
- Mid Game: Reduced cooldowns and increased tankiness
- Level 16: Maximum Ultimate effectiveness
- Late Game: Full tank build completion
Key Timings:
- Early: Focus on lane dominance
- Mid: Roam and create map pressure
- Late: Group and engage team fights
For maximum effectiveness, always communicate with your team before engaging and ensure proper follow-up. Practice the W-Q combo regularly as it's essential for Alistar's success.
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