Zilean Support: Ultimate Champion Guide for Patch 15.4.1

Zilean Support: Ultimate Champion Guide for Patch 15.4.1

By Marcus Chen

March 17, 2025 at 03:22 PM

Zilean is a powerful utility support champion who excels at enabling teammates and controlling fights through speed manipulation and resurrection abilities.

Man wearing glasses

Man wearing glasses

Core Strengths:

  • 99% movement speed boost/slow
  • Team resurrection ultimate
  • Strong scaling into late game
  • Excellent catch potential
  • Makes securing shutdowns difficult for enemies

Ability Priority:

  1. E (Time Warp) - Max first for strongest utility
  2. Q (Time Bomb) - Consider 3 points early then prioritize E
  3. W (Rewind)
  4. R (Chronoshift)

Optimal Combo:

  1. E (speed boost self/ally)
  2. Q (first bomb)
  3. W (reset cooldowns)
  4. E (slow enemy)
  5. Q (second bomb for stun)

Ultimate Usage Tips:

  • Cast as late as possible while ensuring resurrection
  • Avoid early casts that result in forced recalls
  • Practice timing as it's more challenging than it appears
  • Use as a safety net for aggressive plays

Build Path:

  • Focus on tankiness and ability haste over AP
  • Start with Spellthief's Edge
  • Build supportive items that provide durability
  • Consider building multiple support items for maximum utility

Key Gameplay Notes:

  • Don't focus on lane poke; scale for team fights
  • Rotate abilities to maximize CC chains
  • Can lock down targets for up to 6 seconds
  • Use W to reset both Q and E, not just Q
  • Position safely to enable carries

Zilean excels at controlling fights and enabling carries while being extremely difficult to catch and kill. His utility scales exceptionally well into late game, making him a consistent performer throughout the match.

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