Zeri ADC Guide: Mastering League's Lightning-Fast Marksman
Living Battery (Passive): Absorbing shields from enemies grants movement speed, while allied shields boost Zeri's speed.
Q - Burst Fire: Primary damage source that fires 7 shots, counts as basic attack. Movement while firing charges energy for empowered right-clicks.
W - Ultrashock Laser: Electric pulse that slows and damages enemies. Hitting walls creates extended-range laser.
E - Spark Surge: Short dash that empowers Q shots to pierce targets. Sliding near walls enables parkour mobility.
R - Lightning Crash: Unleashes electric nova, boosting damage and speed. Hitting champions refreshes and strengthens effects. Q becomes triple shot with chain lightning.
Skill Priority: R > Q > E > W
Level Order:
- Start Q (automatic)
- Level 2: E
- Level 3-4: W/E (situational)
- Max order: R > Q > E > W
Core Build Path:
Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade
- Health Potion
Core Items:
- Trinity Force
- Infinity Edge
- Bloodthirster
- Phantom Dancer
Optional Items:
- Lord Dominik's Regards (vs tanks)
- Guardian Angel (defensive)
- Mercurial Scimitar (vs CC)
Key Strategies:
- Use Q->E->Q combo for maximum damage
- Leverage wall-sliding for mobility and surprise engages
- Stack R charges on champions in teamfights
- Position aggressively with movement speed buffs
- Utilize shield absorption for enhanced mobility
Laning Tips:
- Prioritize CS with Q
- Trade when passive is charged
- Use wall-slides to escape ganks
- Save E for defensive plays early game
- Coordinate with support's shields for speed boosts
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