Yorick Build Guide - How to Dominate Top Lane with the Gravedigger in 15.4.1
Yorick is a powerful split-pushing bruiser who excels in the top lane. His unique ability to summon ghouls makes him exceptionally strong in 1v1 situations and allows him to quickly demolish towers.
Role: Top Lane Bruiser Playstyle: Split-pusher, 1v1 Duelist
Core Strengths:
- Exceptional split-pushing capability
- Strong 1v1 potential
- Quick tower destruction
- Powerful ghoul damage, especially with Assassin build
- Can one-shot squishier targets with E-Q combo
Key Weaknesses:
- Limited mobility makes him vulnerable to ganks
- Falls off in late game
- Struggles against enemy bruisers in later stages
Skill Order Priority:
- Q (Maximum first)
- W (Maximum second)
- E (Maximum last)
Note: Consider taking E at level 1 against ranged matchups for better lane control
Optimal Build Paths:
Damage Build (Assassin):
- Focus on Lethality and AD items
- Maximizes split-pushing and burst potential
Bruiser Build:
- Balanced mix of AD and Health items
- Better survivability while maintaining damage
Core Items:
- [Starting items would go here]
- [Main items would go here]
- [Situational items would go here]
Gameplay Tips:
- Focus on split-pushing and creating map pressure
- Use ghouls effectively for both farming and harassment
- Time W (wall) carefully to trap enemies
- Maintain ghoul count for optimal damage output
- Watch map awareness due to lack of escape tools
Yorick is ideal for players who enjoy a methodical, pressure-based playstyle and excel at map awareness and timing. While he may not shine in late-game teamfights, his ability to control side lanes and force objective trades makes him a formidable pick in the right hands.
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