Yone Mid Lane Guide: Master the Unforgiven Assassin
Yone's early game requires careful positioning and farming to avoid being poked down by ranged champions. Focus on getting CS while looking for opportunities to trade with your Q and W when safe.
His E ability (Soul Unbound) provides excellent outplay potential and escape options, but timing is crucial. Mistiming the E return or getting caught by CC while using it can be fatal due to his squishiness.
At level 6, Yone gains significant kill pressure with his Ultimate (R). While the hitbox is narrow and can be dodged, it excels at catching opponents off-guard, especially when used from fog of war.
Key Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Ultimate unlocked
- Level 9: First ability maxed
- Level 11: Second point in Ultimate
- Level 16: Final Ultimate upgrade
- Completed items significantly boost damage output
Mid-Game Strategy:
- Rotate to side lanes after bot lane moves mid
- Look for 1v1 opportunities and isolated targets
- Use Ultimate to initiate team fights or catch enemies
- Focus on flanking enemy backline during skirmishes
Late-Game Approach:
- Pick off mispositioned enemies
- Group with team for objectives
- Target squishy carries in team fights
- Consider defensive items against CC-heavy teams
Trading Tips:
- Use Q stacks for short trades
- Combine E with other abilities for safe harass
- Save Ultimate for guaranteed hits or multiple targets
- Always maintain vision control for surprise engages
- Vulnerable to early poke
- Susceptible to crowd control
- Narrow Ultimate hitbox
- Requires precise timing of abilities
Build defensive items if falling behind or facing heavy CC compositions. Focus on farming and scaling if unable to find early kills, as Yone becomes significantly stronger with completed items.
Similar Champions:
- Average difficulty: Similar playstyle
- Hard: Requires more mechanical skill
- Hard: Complex decision making
- Average: Comparable learning curve
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