Warwick Jungle Guide: Unleash the Hunting Beast
Warwick is a strong and straightforward jungler who excels in early-game dueling and map presence. His kit combines sustain, mobility, and powerful single-target elimination capabilities.
Passive - Eternal Hunger
- Auto-attacks deal bonus magic damage
- Below 50% HP: Heals for damage dealt
- Below 25% HP: Healing increased to 250%
Ability Order Q → W → E Max order: W > Q > E
Core Abilities
- Q (Jaws of the Beast): Leap and bite target, dealing damage based on max health and healing
- W (Blood Hunt): Track low-health enemies, gain movement and attack speed
- E (Primal Howl): Damage reduction followed by AoE fear
- R (Infinite Duress): Suppressing leap attack that scales with movement speed
Main Combo W → E → AA → Q (held) → E → AA → R
- Activate W for movement speed
- Engage with E for damage reduction
- Auto-attack once
- Hold Q to get behind target
- Reactivate E to fear enemy
- Auto-attack
- Ultimate to secure kill
- Excellent early game duelist
- Strong objective control
- High sustain
- Good map presence
- Strong chase potential
- Vulnerable to healing reduction
- Can be kited by mobile champions
- Ultimate can be interrupted
Best Items
- Starting: Hunter's Machete + Refillable Potion
- Core: Divine Sunderer, Titanic Hydra, Dead Man's Plate
- Situational: Spirit Visage, Death's Dance, Sterak's Gage
- Use W to track and chase low-health targets
- Hold Q to follow enemy dashes/flashes
- Time E's fear to disrupt enemy positioning
- Build movement speed to increase ultimate range
Runes Primary: Precision
- Press the Attack
- Triumph
- Legend: Alacrity
- Last Stand
Secondary: Sorcery
- Celerity
- Waterwalking
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