Vayne Top Build Guide: Best Setups and Counters | 55.2% Win Rate
Vayne Top Guide - Patch 15.4
Most Popular Build (55.2% WR, 1,208 matches)
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Ghost
- Runes: Lethal Tempo, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace, Conditioning, Overgrowth
- Core Items: Blade of The Ruined King > Berserker's Greaves > Guinsoo's Rageblade
- Full Build: Add Terminus > Wit's End > Jak'Sho, The Protean
- Skill Order: Q > W > E
Key Tips:
- Maintain max range against melee champions
- Focus on getting 3 auto-attacks for W passive proc
- Save Q for defensive positioning in teamfights
Best Matchups:
- Rumble (65.6% WR)
- Riven (65.5% WR)
- Draven (62.5% WR)
- Pantheon (60.6% WR)
- K'Sante (59.8% WR)
Worst Matchups (Avoid):
- Quinn (35.1% WR)
- Vladimir (35.6% WR)
- Ornn (35.9% WR)
- Malphite (36.4% WR)
- Aurora (38.5% WR)
Best Support Synergies:
- Zyra (57.9% WR)
- Soraka (56.8% WR)
- Milio (55.7% WR)
- Zilean (55.7% WR)
- Seraphine (54.6% WR)
Alternative Builds:
Second Popular Build (50.5% WR, 202 matches):
- Same summoners and items
- Key Change: Press the Attack keystone
Off-Meta Build (52.5% WR, 80 matches):
- Same runes and summoners
- Key Change: Kraken Slayer as first item
Situational Items:
- Adjust defensive rune shards based on lane opponent
- Build path should adapt to enemy team composition
- Consider Mercurial Scimitar against heavy CC
Note: Build statistics based on Emerald+ ranked matches in current patch.
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