Ultimate Smolder Guide: Tips and Strategies to Dominate with League's New ADC
Stay near your Support for protection and only trade aggressively when enemy abilities are on cooldown. Focus on farming and securing early kills to upgrade your Q faster, as this significantly impacts your early game strength.
Your E provides mobility and wall-crossing capability, but use it wisely as you're vulnerable when it's on cooldown. After level 6, your Ultimate offers substantial AOE damage and sustain during fights.
Key Power Spikes:
- Level 3: Access to all basic abilities
- Level 4: Two points in first ability
- Level 6: Ultimate unlocked
- Level 9: First ability maxed
- Level 11: Ultimate enhanced
- Late game: Q fully upgraded, multiple items completed
Early Game Strategy:
- Rush level 2 for advantageous trades
- Focus on farming and Q upgrades
- Coordinate with Support for kills
- Take bottom tower, then rotate mid
Mid-Late Game Approach:
- Stay grouped with team
- Position behind team in fights
- Target nearest enemy champion
- Save Ultimate for optimal moments
- Look for picks with team before objectives
- Vulnerable without E
- Support-dependent
- Needs early lead for optimal scaling
- Must maintain proper positioning
After securing objectives, maintain map pressure by grouping with your team. Avoid split pushing unless absolutely necessary, as getting caught alone can lead to lost teamfights and potential game-ending scenarios.
Smolder becomes especially potent in late game with fully upgraded abilities and completed items, but requires consistent positioning and team coordination to maximize effectiveness.
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