Ultimate Lissandra Mid Lane Guide - Master the Ice Witch
Lissandra is a powerful mid-lane mage who excels in team fights and roaming opportunities. Her strength lies in her ability to control fights through crowd control and Area of Effect (AoE) damage.
Core Strengths:
- Exceptional team fight presence
- Strong gank setup with W and R
- Fast wave clear and roaming potential
- Excellent at picking off isolated targets
Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Gains ultimate for chain CC
- Level 9: Q maxed for improved wave clear and damage
- Level 11: Reduced ultimate cooldown for frequent picks
Early Game (Levels 1-5):
- Play conservatively and focus on farming
- Avoid unnecessary trades
- Wait for jungle assistance
Mid Game (Levels 6-11):
- Push waves and look for roaming opportunities
- Assist side lanes with ganks
- Focus on securing objectives after successful picks
- Farm side lanes when possible to maintain XP and gold
Late Game (Levels 12+):
- Stay grouped with team
- Position for flanks using E
- Save ultimate and Zhonya's for team fights
- Peel for carries using CC abilities
- Focus on picking off priority targets
Key Tips:
- Ensure team coordination before committing to all-ins
- Use ultimate as utility rather than pure damage
- Maintain vision control for successful flanks
- Don't split push alone in late game
- Maximize AoE damage in grouped fights
- Requires all-in commitment
- Limited damage when behind
- Dependent on team follow-up
- Vulnerable without ultimate or Zhonya's
Playing around these fundamentals will help you maximize Lissandra's potential as a control mage and team fight initiator.
- Severe counters include high-mobility champions
- Hard matchups against champions with strong early game pressure
- Struggles against tanky compositions
Remember to coordinate with your team, as Lissandra's success heavily depends on proper timing and team follow-up.
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