Ultimate Guide to Dominating Top Lane as Singed
Your Ultimate R grants powerful stats for team fights, often catching enemies off guard by allowing you to soak and deal massive damage. Aim to leverage this advantage by timing your fights correctly.
Early Game Strategy:
- Decide between proxy farming or traditional laning
- Weak pre-level 6, conserve mana usage
- Roam to mid when wave is pushed
- Monitor minimap constantly to avoid unnecessary deaths
Mid Game Approach:
- Focus on split pushing and securing side objectives
- Utilize strong dueling potential
- Group for objectives when needed
- Look for flanking opportunities in team fights
Late Game Tactics:
- Target mispositioned enemies for picks
- Focus squishy backline targets in team fights
- Maintain proximity to team for quick engagement
- Use Ultimate R timing strategically
Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Major boost from Ultimate R
- Level 9: Q maxed for consistent DPS
- Level 11: Enhanced Ultimate R power
- Late Game: Peak tankiness and team fight impact
Key Tips:
- Don't teamfight without Ultimate R
- Stay aware of crowd control threats
- Balance split pushing with team objectives
- Use tankiness to disrupt enemy positioning
- Vulnerable to crowd control
- Mana-dependent early game
- Requires team coordination
- Weak pre-level 6
Champion Synergy:
Community: Join fellow Singed mains to discuss strategies and builds in various community platforms.