Ultimate Ahri Mid Lane Guide: Strategy, Tips & Counters
When laning, utilize Ahri's passive sustain to survive tough matchups while focusing on farming and securing Lost Chapter. Land Q to simultaneously harass enemies and clear minions for maximum efficiency.
Pre-6, stay cautious of enemy jungler position due to limited mobility. Once you unlock Ultimate, begin roaming after shoving waves to secure kills. Use Ultimate and E combo for reliable pick potential throughout the game.

Woman with bright pink hair
Key Power Spikes:
- Level 2: Access to Q and E enables favorable trades
- Level 6: Ultimate unlocks kill pressure and roaming potential
- Level 9: Maxed Q provides strong wave clear
- Level 11: Two Ultimate charges increase pick potential
- Level 16: Three Ultimate charges on low cooldown
Mid-Game Strategy:
- Transition to side lanes for better chase potential
- Flank enemy backline from fog of war using Sweeper
- Set up ambushes in brushes near minion waves
- Focus on objectives after securing picks
Late-Game Approach:
- Create picks through death brushes near objectives
- Prioritize fights in confined jungle spaces for multi-target Q
- Focus squishy targets in teamfights
- Use Ultimate's last charge as escape if needed
Key Weaknesses:
- Vulnerable without Ultimate
- Skill-shot dependent abilities
- Struggles against heavy CC compositions
- Falls off late game against tanky targets
Tips for Success:
- Track enemy CC cooldowns before engaging
- Utilize fog of war for surprise engages
- Coordinate flanks with team engages
- Maintain vision control for safe roaming
- Build appropriate defensive items based on threats
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