Tristana: Complete Champion Guide for ADC Mastery
Armed with a cannon bigger than herself, Tristana is a powerful Yordle marksman who excels at long-range combat and explosive plays.
Her passive, Draw a Bead, increases her attack range with each level (starting at 525, reaching 661 at level 18), applying to both basic attacks and abilities.
Core Abilities:
- Q (Rapid Fire): Grants bonus attack speed for 7 seconds
- W (Rocket Jump): Jumps to target location, dealing damage and slowing enemies by 60%
- E (Explosive Charge): Places a charge that detonates after 4 seconds, damage increases with basic attacks
- R (Buster Shot): Deals magic damage and knocks back enemies
Key Mechanics:
- E can be stacked up to 4 times with basic attacks
- W cooldown resets on champion kills/assists and max-stacked E detonations
- R can be used to trigger E stacks and create distance
Skill Order:
- Max E first (Explosive Charge)
- Max Q second (Rapid Fire)
- Max W last (Rocket Jump)
- Take R at levels 6/11/16
Core Build: Starting Items:
- Dorans Blade
- Health Potion
Core Items:
- Infinity Edge
- Kraken Slayer
- Phantom Dancer
- Bloodthirster
Situational Items:
- Lord Dominik's Regards (vs tanks)
- Guardian Angel (vs burst)
- Mortal Reminder (vs healing)
Gameplay Tips:
- Use E on enemy champions followed by Q to quickly stack damage
- Save W for escapes or to chase down kills after securing resets
- Utilize R to peel for yourself or knock enemies into your team
Tristana scales exceptionally well into late game while maintaining strong early game all-ins, making her a versatile pick for any team composition.
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