Top Lane Vayne Counter Guide: Best & Worst Matchups
Laning Against Vayne
When facing Vayne as a melee champion, prioritize XP over CS to maintain health and avoid feeding her early game. Her late-game scaling becomes extremely dangerous if she gets ahead.
Use windows of opportunity when her Tumble (Q) is on cooldown to trade aggressively, as she's most vulnerable during this time. Keep the minion wave close to your tower to limit her zoning potential and make her susceptible to ganks.

Vayne, League of Legends champion
Strategic Counter Tips
- Counter her split-pushing by coordinating collapses, but avoid over-committing resources when objectives like Baron are available
- Focus on crowd control (CC) to prevent her kiting and damage output in teamfights
- Force frequent teamfights to deplete her Ultimate (R) uptime
- End games quickly before she reaches her late-game power spike
Power Spike Timings
Early Game:
- Extremely vulnerable, optimal time to punish
- Play aggressively to delay item completion
Mid Game:
- Level 6 marks first major power spike with Ultimate (R)
- Increased kill pressure and mobility
Late Game:
- Becomes extremely difficult to handle
- Focus on objective control to close out before full build
Best Counters:
- Ornn: Tank with CC and engage potential
- Quinn: Strong lane pressure and roaming
- Malphite: Hard CC and attack speed slow
- Akali: High burst damage and mobility
- Vladimir: Sustain and scaling potential
Remember to coordinate with your jungler early and prioritize objectives to prevent Vayne from reaching her late-game potential.
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