The Ultimate Evelynn Champion Guide - League of Legends Season 15
Evelynn is a stealthy assassin jungler who excels at creating map pressure and eliminating high-priority targets. Her unique playstyle revolves around her camouflage ability and burst damage potential.
Core Abilities Priority:
- Q (Hate Spike)
- E (Whiplash)
- W (Allure)
- R (Last Caress)
Optimal Skill Order:
- Start Q > E > Q/W
- Max Q > E > W
- Take R at levels 6/11/16
Key Combos:
- Standard Assassination (W-Q-E-Q-AA-Q-R)
- Cast W and wait for charm
- Follow with Q
- Animation cancel with E
- Chain remaining Q casts
- Execute with R if needed
- Quick Burst (F-E-R)
- Flash into position
- Immediate E cast
- R for AoE damage and escape
Core Build Path: Starting Items:
- Hailblade
- Refillable Potion
Essential Items:
- Hextech Rocketbelt
- Mejai's Soulstealer
- Rabadon's Deathcap
- Void Staff
Situational Items:
- Zhonya's Hourglass (vs AD threats)
- Banshee's Veil (vs AP threats)
- Shadow Flame (vs low MR targets)
Pro Tips:
- Use W strategically - sometimes cast on decoy targets
- Maximize stealth advantage for map pressure
- Focus on AP and magic penetration for optimal burst
- Leverage invisibility to bypass standard ward coverage
- Early game control through strategic pathing and ganking
Evelynn is especially effective in lower ELO where vision control is weaker. Success relies on maintaining pressure through strategic invisibility while building significant AP for lethal burst damage.
Counter-play against Evelynn requires:
- Early game aggression
- Comprehensive vision control
- Team coordination
- Magic resistance itemization
Master these elements to dominate the jungle and create constant threat presence across the map.
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