TFT Set 13: Master the Unstoppable Lone Hero Lux Build
Lone Hero Lux has emerged as one of the most powerful 1v9 compositions in TFT Set 13, capable of decimating entire enemy boards with a single unit. Here's how to maximize this strategy.
Core Requirements:
- 3-star Lux
- Lone Hero Augment
- Two Archangel's Staff
- Bloodthirster or Guinsoo's Rageblade
- Mage Armor Anomaly buff on Lux

Lux champion in TFT Set 13
Optimal Setup:
- Position Lux in a corner to limit melee unit access
- Save 60-100 gold before Anomaly stage for Mage Armor
- Place Lux where only two melee units can target her simultaneously

League of Legends gameplay screenshot with champions
Best Supporting Augments:
- Powered Shields: Grants durability and shield when health drops
- Greater Moonlight: Transforms a 1-cost unit into 4-star
- Climb the Ladder II (when running Academy variant)
Advanced Strategy - Academy Variant:
- Incorporates Academy trait for sponsored Archangel's Staff
- Provides 20% bonus AD through Rebel trait
- Creates stronger frontline protection

Lux in TFT Lone Warrior composition
Alternative Frontlines:
- Sentinels
- Rebels
- Dominators
The composition works through Lux's shield synergy with Archangel's Staff's AP scaling and Lone Hero's bonus stats (140% Attack Speed, 30% Durability). This creates an nearly unkillable carry that can solo entire teams.
Note: This strategy may receive balance changes in upcoming patches due to its current power level.
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