Taric Guide: The Ultimate Support Tank Build for Patch 14.16.1
Taric, the Shield of Valoran, excels as a tank support who combines protective abilities with frontline engagement. His unique kit allows him to both protect allies and participate in aggressive plays.
Core Abilities Overview
Passive - Bravery: After using an ability, Taric's next two basic attacks deal bonus damage and reduce his ability cooldowns by 1 second each.
Q - Starcall: Heals Taric and nearby allies. Stores charges based on ability level, with empowered attacks from Bravery adding full charges.
W - Bastion: Connects to an ally, granting them bonus armor and allowing Taric's abilities to be cast from their position.
E - Dazzle: Fires a stunning beam after a brief delay, damaging and stunning enemies caught in its path.
R - Cosmic Radiance: After a delay, grants invulnerability to nearby allies.
Optimal Rune Setup
Primary: Guardian Secondary: Font of Life, Conditioning, Revitalize
Ability Order
- E > W > Q > E > Q > R > E > E > E > Q > R > Q > Q > W > W > R > W > W
Core Build Path
Starting items:
- Relic Shield
- 2 Health Potions
Core items:
- Evenshroud
- Plated Steelcaps
- Knight's Vow
Situational items:
- Thornmail (vs heavy AD)
- Spirit Visage (vs heavy AP)
- Redemption (for additional healing)
- Zeke's Convergence (with AD carry)
Key Gameplay Tips
- Use Bastion on your ADC during laning phase to extend your ability range
- Time your stuns carefully as they have a delay
- Weave auto attacks between abilities to maximize passive usage
- Position Cosmic Radiance to protect priority targets during teamfights
- Chain CC with your jungler for effective ganks
Person wearing gaming headset
About the Author: Jan "DragHyphen" Tomasu - Grandmaster player and former competitor in Prime League's 2nd Division.