Smolder Champion Guide: Master the Baby Dragon ADC
Smolder is a unique caster marksman who evolves from a baby dragon into a powerful late-game carry through his Dragon Training passive and motherly support.
Core Abilities
Passive - Dragon Training
- Gain stacks by killing units with Q or hitting champions with abilities
- Each stack increases total ability damage
- Essential for scaling into late game
Q - Super Fire Breath
- Launches a fireball that evolves with Dragon Training stacks
- Level 1: Area explosion around target
- Level 2: Additional explosions behind target
- Level 3: True damage over time with execute threshold
W - Achoo!
- Releases a fiery projectile that slows enemies
- Causes explosion when hitting champions
- Deals increased damage in explosion area
E - Flap, flap, flap
- Gains flight and movement speed
- Can cross terrain temporarily
- Automatically targets lowest-health champions
- Position carefully to avoid getting stuck in walls
- Calls mother for assistance
- Creates long-range fire wave
- Deals extra damage and slows enemies in center
- Heals Smolder if hit by the wave
Optimal Skill Order
- Early game (Levels 1-5): Choose between Q or W priority based on lane matchup
- Mid game: Maximize Q first
- Late game: W > E priority
- Ultimate at levels 6, 11, and 16
Build Path
- Focus on AD and Crit stats
- Minimal attack speed needed
- Prioritize armor penetration and lifesteal in late game
- Requires 4+ items for maximum effectiveness
Early Game Strategy
- Focus on farming and gaining experience
- Stack passive through champion hits or minion last hits
- Play cautiously without major trades unless W is available
- Scale towards late game power spike
Man in black shirt headshot