Singed: League of Legends Champion Profile

Singed: League of Legends Champion Profile

By Marcus Chen

November 22, 2024 at 04:49 AM

Singed is a unique champion in League of Legends who specializes in causing chaos through his signature poison trails and enemy displacement abilities. Here's a comprehensive overview:

Key Abilities:

  1. Noxious Slipstream (Passive)
  • Gains stacking movement speed when moving near champions
  • Each stack provides 25% bonus movement speed
  • Refreshes on subsequent passes
  1. Poison Trail (Q)
  • Creates toxic clouds that damage enemies
  • Deals continuous magic damage over time
  • Essential for farming and zoning enemies
  1. Mega Adhesive (W)
  • Creates a sticky ground that slows and grounds enemies
  • Lasts 3 seconds
  • Combines with Fling for crowd control
  1. Fling (E)
  • Throws enemies behind Singed
  • Deals magic damage based on target's max health
  • Can root enemies when combined with Mega Adhesive
  1. Insanity Potion (Ultimate)
  • Grants bonus stats including ability power, armor, magic resistance
  • Increases movement speed and regeneration
  • Applies Grievous Wounds through Poison Trail

Unique Gameplay Style:

  • Excels at proxy farming and disrupting enemy team formations
  • Specializes in kiting and leading enemies through poison trails
  • Strong split-pushing potential
  • Effective at creating chaos in teamfights

Best used as a top lane champion, Singed's unique playstyle revolves around positioning and movement speed to control fights and zones. His ability to proxy farm and escape dangerous situations makes him a persistent threat throughout the game.

Singed character render from League of Legends

Singed character render from League of Legends

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