Pro Guide: Mastering Ivern - The Most Complete Jungle Expert Guide
Ivern is a unique jungler who excels at supporting his team while maintaining efficient jungle control. Here's a comprehensive overview of his strengths, weaknesses, and strategies.

Ivern, the Green Father champion
Key Matchups:
Strong Against:
- Skarner (58.2% WR)
- Gragas (56.5% WR)
- Maokai (56.5% WR)
- Lee Sin (54.3% WR)
- Rek'Sai (53.8% WR)
- Briar (53.1% WR)
Weak Against:
- Shyvana (42.5% WR)
- Fiddlesticks (42.9% WR)
- Kindred (43.9% WR)
- Evelynn (45.1% WR)
- Talon (45.4% WR)
- Udyr (45.4% WR)
Best Duo Synergies:
- Sett (55.4% WR)
- Camille (54.0% WR)
- Gnar (53.8% WR)
- Katarina (53.1% WR)
- Darius (52.6% WR)
- Garen (52.3% WR)
Essential Tips:
- Mark camps immediately upon spawning to prevent counter-jungling
- Monitor the map constantly to utilize Redemption effectively
- Use W and Smite combination at level 1 to steal enemy buffs
- Ward enemy jungle early to track their pathing and enable buff steals
Core Strategies:
- Focus on supporting lanes rather than direct confrontation
- Utilize unique passive to maintain efficient jungle clear
- Coordinate with laners to maximize gank effectiveness
- Prioritize objective control through team support
Ivern's success relies heavily on team coordination and map awareness. His supportive playstyle makes him particularly effective when paired with aggressive laners who can capitalize on his utility-focused kit.
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