Poppy Support Guide: Master The Hammer Guardian In League of Legends
Iron Bulwark's Shield: Poppy's passive ability gives her increased armor and magic resist when below 40% health, making her exceptionally tanky in critical moments.
Hammer Shock (Q): A ground-targeted ability that creates an area of slowed terrain, dealing initial damage and additional damage if enemies remain in the zone.
Steadfast Presence (W): When activated, Poppy gains movement speed and creates an anti-dash field around her, stopping enemy mobility skills.
Heroic Charge (E): Poppy dashes to an enemy, pushing them back. If they collide with terrain, they're stunned and take additional damage.
Keeper's Verdict (R): Poppy charges her hammer to knock targeted enemies away. At full charge, they're knocked extremely far.
Skill Order Priority: R > Q > E > W
Early Game Focus:
- Start Q for wave control and poke
- Take W level 2 against dash-heavy champions
- E third for engage potential
Core Build Path:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Dead Man's Plate
- Force of Nature
Key Playstyle Tips:
- Position near walls to maximize E stun potential
- Use W proactively to counter enemy engage
- Roam after level 6 to create map pressure
- Save R for disengage or to isolate priority targets
Runes: Primary (Aftershock):
- Aftershock
- Font of Life
- Conditioning
- Unflinching
Secondary (Inspiration):
- Hexflash
- Cosmic Insight
Matchups: Strong against: Leona, Rakan, Pyke Weak against: Morgana, Karma, Lulu
Note: This guide is always evolving with each patch. Current for Patch 14.16.1.
[The above content maintains all the important information while being more concise and structured for better readability and search engine optimization.]
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