Pantheon Support: Best Counter Picks and Strategy Guide
Pantheon matchups and counters provide opportunities to outplay this aggressive support champion. Here are proven strategies and tips:
Top Counter Picks:
- Taric (62.3% win rate)
- Poppy (58.7% win rate)
- Rakan (57.1% win rate)
- Milio (56.9% win rate)
- Janna (56.2% win rate)
Laning Phase Tips:
- Watch for level 1-2 aggression
- Maintain safe distance to avoid W stun
- Harass when his E (shield) is down
- Capitalize on weak level 6 power spike in 2v2 fights
Strategic Counters:
- Map Awareness
- Track roaming patterns
- Ward common ambush spots
- Avoid solo walking through jungle
- Teamfight Tactics
- Punish after he uses E (shield)
- Focus him when overextended
- Maintain consistent poke pressure
Power Spike Windows:
- Early Game (Level 1-2): Extreme aggression
- Level 6: Weak in lane, strong roaming potential
- W Cooldown: Key engagement window
Generally Strong Picks:
- Enchanters with disengage
- Tanks with CC
- Champions with reliable poke
Remember, Pantheon's effectiveness diminishes in longer fights, so sustained damage and defensive positioning are crucial for success.

When playing against Pantheon, focus on maintaining safe positioning while looking for opportunities to punish his aggressive playstyle. His predictable engage patterns and reliance on W make him vulnerable to coordinated counterplay.
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