Nautilus Support: The Ultimate Tank Engage Guide
Nautilus is a classic tank-engage support champion with powerful crowd control abilities and straightforward gameplay mechanics.
Abilities Overview
- Passive - Staggering Blow: First auto-attack on targets roots them briefly
- Q - Dredge Line: Throws anchor, pulling enemies towards Nautilus or pulling him to walls
- W - Titan's Wrath: Grants shield and bonus auto-attack damage
- E - Riptide: Creates damage-dealing waves that slow enemies
- R - Depth Charge: Launches unstoppable knockup towards target, knocking up enemies in path
Key Mechanics
Q Ability (Hook) Tips:
- Can be buffered before CC hits to escape
- Hitting walls reduces cooldown by 50%
- Excellent for engaging or escaping
- Pairs well with passive root
Skill Order
- Q (Maximize first for lower cooldown and damage)
- W (Second priority for tankiness)
- E (Last priority)
- R (Take at 6/11/16)
Core Build Path
Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
Core Items:
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Winter's Approach
- Plated Steelcaps
Situational Items:
- Zeke's Convergence
- Knight's Vow
- Thornmail
- Force of Nature
Playstyle Tips
- Look for hook opportunities on priority targets
- Use ultimate on backline carries to disrupt teamfights
- Chain CC by combining passive root with other abilities
- Position aggressively in lane to threaten engage
- Use W shield timing strategically during trades
- Reliable engage tool
- Multiple forms of CC
- Tanky build path
- Strong teamfight presence
- Hook-dependent
- Limited mobility without Q
- Vulnerable to poke
- Mana intensive early game
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