Nasus Best Top Build Guides: Runes, Items & Strategies - Patch 15.5
Nasus Top Build Guide
Best Build - 54.2% Win Rate (6,843 matches)
- Summoner Spells: Ghost, Teleport
- Core Items: Trinity Force → Ionian Boots → Frozen Heart → Spirit Visage → Thornmail → Jak'Sho
- Skill Order: Q → W → E
- Primary: Fleet Footwork, Triumph, Legend: Haste, Last Stand
- Secondary: Second Wind, Unflinching
- Shards: Ability Haste, Health Scaling, Health Scaling
Strong Against:
- Yasuo (57.3% WR)
- Akali (56.0% WR)
- Aurora (55.6% WR)
- Gwen (54.9% WR)
- Malphite (54.5% WR)
Weak Against:
- Ryze (43.1% WR)
- Warwick (44.2% WR)
- Shen (45.2% WR)
- Sion (45.5% WR)
- Kled (46.1% WR)
Best Synergies:
- Darius (55.4% WR)
- Karthus (53.8% WR)
- Zac (52.7% WR)
Key Tips:
- Prioritize survival over Q stacks in early laning phase
- Avoid early fights and play defensively
- Focus on split pushing mid to late game
- Group with team for objectives when needed
Alternative Build (52.7% WR):
- First Item: Frozen Heart
- Follow with: Ionian Boots → Trinity Force → Spirit Visage → Thornmail → Force of Nature
- Same runes and summoner spells as main build
Off-Meta Build (52.0% WR):
- Keystone: Grasp of the Undying
- Core Items: Same as main build but with Randuin's Omen as final item
- Best for tankier playstyle
Situational Items:
- Adapt armor/magic resist based on enemy team composition
- Consider matchup-specific rune adjustments
- Build path should reflect game state and enemy threats
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