Nami Support Guide: Complete Champion Build & Strategy for Patch 15.4.1
Nami is a versatile enchanter support who excels at healing, buffing allies, and providing crowd control. Her kit makes her effective in both aggressive and defensive playstyles.
Core Abilities and Usage:
- Passive (Surging Tides): Grants movement speed to allies hit by Nami's abilities
- W (Ebb and Flow): Primary ability for lane sustain and poke
- E (Tidecaller's Blessing): Empowers allies' attacks with bonus damage and slows
- Q (Aqua Prison): Stuns enemies in target area
- R (Tidal Wave): Large-scale crowd control and team fight initiator
Ability Leveling Order: R > W > E > Q
Early Game Strategy:
- Start W for lane sustain and poke
- Take E at level 2 for trade potential
- Use Q cautiously, as it's easily dodged and leaves you vulnerable
Core Item Build:
- Spellthief's Edge (Starting item)
- Imperial Mandate or Moonstone Renewer
- Boots of Lucidity
- Chemtech Putrifier
- Staff of Flowing Water
- Redemption or Mikael's Blessing
Combat Combo: E -> Auto Attack -> Q -> Auto Attack -> W
Key Tips:
- Use W to bounce between allies and enemies for maximum efficiency
- Coordinate Q with ally CC for better accuracy
- Save R for team fights or to disengage from ganks
- Position safely due to squishiness
- Use E on allies with high attack speed or ability spam
- Strong lane presence
- Versatile utility
- Good sustain and poke
- Strong team fight impact
- Skill-shot dependent
- Vulnerable to all-ins
- Mana intensive early game
- Requires good positioning
Best ADC Pairings:
- Lucian
- Draven
- Jhin
- Caitlyn
- Ashe
Counter Picks:
- Leona
- Nautilus
- Pyke
- Blitzcrank
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