Miss Fortune - League of Legends Champion Profile
Miss Fortune is a ranged marksman champion in League of Legends who combines deadly precision with mobility. Originally from Bilgewater, she wields dual pistols named "Shock" and "Awe."
Core Abilities:
Love Tap (Passive)
- Basic attacks deal bonus damage to new targets
- Damage reduced against minions
- Applies to first target of Double Up
Double Up (Q)
- Fires a shot that bounces to a second target
- Can critically strike on bounce
- Applies on-hit effects to both targets
- Guaranteed crit if first shot kills target
Strut (W)
- Passive movement speed when out of combat
- Active attack speed boost
- Love Tap reduces cooldown
- Speed bonus instantly restored on cast
Make It Rain (E)
- Creates zone dealing magic damage
- Slows enemies inside
- Grants vision of area
- Scales with AP
Bullet Time (R)
- Channels multiple waves of bullets
- Can critically strike
- Each wave deals physical damage
- Scales with AD and AP
Key Stats:
- Resource: Mana
- Range Type: Ranged
- Position: Bottom lane
- Difficulty: Medium
- Primary Role: Marksman
Miss Fortune excels at lane dominance and teamfight damage through clever positioning and ability combos. Her passive encourages switching targets, while her ultimate can devastate grouped enemies.
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