Miss Fortune: Complete Champion Guide - League of Legends Patch 15.4.1
Miss Fortune's abilities make her a strong and versatile ADC:
Passive - Love Tap
- Deals bonus physical damage when attacking a new target
- Affects all units (towers, minions, monsters, champions)
- Reduced damage against minions
Q - Double Up
- Physical damage skill shot with 100 bonus range
- Bounces to second target in 160° cone
- Critically hits if first target dies
- Resets auto-attack timer
- Core combo: Auto-attack → Q → Auto-attack
W - Strut
- Passive: Gains movement speed when out of combat (25 MS after 5s, 55 MS after 10s)
- Active: Grants attack speed and movement speed for 4s
- Cooldown reduced by 2s when marking new Love Tap targets
E - Make it Rain
- AoE slow and magic damage in target area
- Sets up ultimate by slowing enemies
- Use sparingly early game due to mana cost
R - Bullet Time
- Channel waves of bullets in cone
- Massive AoE damage potential
- Best used after E slow
- Game-changing in teamfights
Skill Order Priority
- R > Q > W > E
- Start Q level 1 for trading
- Take W second for mobility
- E at level 3-4 depending on matchup
Key Tips:
- Use Q through dying minions for critical hits
- Maintain W movement speed between fights
- Combo E slow into R for maximum damage
- Position safely to channel full ultimate duration
Build Path
Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade + Health Potion
- Long Sword + Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Eclipse/Duskblade
- Collector
- Lord Dominik's Regards
- Infinity Edge
- Bloodthirster for sustain
- Guardian Angel for survival
- Mortal Reminder vs healing
- Edge of Night vs CC
Laning Phase Strategy:
- Trade with Love Tap and Q bounces
- Maintain safe positioning
- Follow up on support engages
- Focus on CS and poke damage
- Save ultimate for key fights
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