Lulu Support Guide: Master the Enchanter's Ultimate Support Skills
Lulu is a powerful enchanter support champion known for her strong ability to protect and empower allies while harassing enemies in lane. Here's a comprehensive guide on playing Lulu support effectively.
Core Abilities Overview:
- Passive (Pix, Fairy Companion): Adds bonus magic damage to auto-attacks
- Q (Glitter Lance): Dual projectile that slows enemies
- W (Whimsy): Polymorphs enemies or grants allies move/attack speed
- E (Help, Pix!): Shields allies or damages enemies
- R (Wild Growth): Enlarges ally, grants bonus health, and knocks up nearby enemies
Skill Priority:
- E (Help, Pix!)
- W (Whimsy)
- Q (Glitter Lance)
Optimal Skill Order:
- Level 1: Q
- Level 2-5: E > W > E > E
- Level 6: R
- Level 7-18: E > W > Q (prioritize R whenever possible)
Ability Synergies:
- Place Pix on allies to extend Q's range and zone control
- Combine E shield with W speed boost for effective trades
- Use R defensively to save allies or offensively to engage
Core Build Path: Starting Items:
- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
- Stealth Ward
Essential Items:
- Moonstone Renewer (Mythic)
- Chemtech Putrifier
- Ardent Censer
- Staff of Flowing Water
Situational Items:
- Redemption (vs heavy AoE damage)
- Mikael's Blessing (vs heavy CC)
- Shurelya's Battlesong (for engage comps)
Laning Strategy:
- Harass with auto-attacks enhanced by passive
- Use Q to slow enemies and create distance
- Save W for disengage or to counter enemy all-ins
- Shield ADC proactively during trades
- Maintain vision control and watch for ganks
Teamfight Role:
- Protect primary carry with shields and buffs
- Use R to counter burst damage or enable engages
- Disrupt enemy assassins with polymorph
- Position safely behind frontline
This champion excels at enabling carries and disrupting enemy threats, making her a versatile support choice in most team compositions.
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