Leona Support Guide: Complete Champion Build & Strategy for Patch 15.4.1
A powerful tank support, Leona excels at initiating fights and locking down enemies with her crowd control abilities. Her durability and engagement potential make her an excellent choice for aggressive playstyles.

Man wearing glasses
Core Abilities
- Start Q against melee supports, E against ranged supports
- Max order: W > E > Q
- Max W first for tankiness
- E+Q combo is your primary engage tool
- Ultimate provides long-range engagement and zone control
Skill Tips
- W provides significant defensive stats, activate before engaging
- Q stuns and applies passive
- E allows gap closing and root
- Combine E+Q for reliable crowd control
- Ultimate can be used to initiate or follow up
Optimal Build Path
Starting Items:
- Steel Shoulderguards
- 2 Health Potions
- Stealth Ward
Core Items:
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Plated Steelcaps/Mercury's Treads
- Winter's Approach
Situational Items:
- Knight's Vow (vs AD threats)
- Zeke's Convergence (with AD carry)
- Abyssal Mask (vs AP heavy teams)
- Thornmail (vs healing)
Laning Strategy
- Look for aggressive level 2 all-in
- Coordinate engages with ADC
- Use bushes to create pressure
- Save abilities for high-probability engages
- Focus on protecting ADC between engages
Mid-Late Game
- Initiate team fights when advantageous
- Peel for carries when behind
- Control vision around objectives
- Look for flanking opportunities
- Use ultimate to create space or follow up on other engage tools
Leona thrives in coordinated play and rewards aggressive decision-making. Focus on timing engages properly and communicating with your team to maximize her potential.
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