League of Legends Turrets: Complete Guide to Structure Mechanics and Stats

League of Legends Turrets: Complete Guide to Structure Mechanics and Stats

By Marcus Chen

November 19, 2024 at 06:56 PM

Here's a concise rewrite focused on essential turret information in League of Legends:

Turrets are defensive structures that protect territories in League of Legends, dealing significant damage to enemy units within range. Teams must destroy these structures to advance and win the game.

Structure & Distribution:

  • Summoner's Rift: 11 turrets per team
  • Howling Abyss: 4 turrets per team

Basic Properties:

  • Attack Range: 750 units
  • Sight Radius: 1350 units
  • Projectile Speed: 1200
  • Immune to crowd control (except stasis)

League of Legends outer turret structure

League of Legends outer turret structure

Damage System:

  • Turrets target one unit at a time
  • Damage increases by 40% with each consecutive hit (up to 120% bonus)
  • Reset occurs 3 seconds after last champion hit
  • Prioritizes targets in this order:
    1. Trap units (e.g., Shaco boxes)
    2. Pets (e.g., Tibbers)
    3. Siege/super minions
    4. Melee minions
    5. Caster minions
    6. Champions

Inner turret Summoner's Rift

Inner turret Summoner's Rift

Turret Plating (Outer Turrets):

  • 5 plates, each with 1000 health
  • Destroying a plate grants 125 gold
  • Plates disappear at 14 minutes
  • 17% reduced damage from ranged attacks and minions

League of Legends inhibitor tower

League of Legends inhibitor tower

Defensive Mechanics:

  • Fortification: Top and mid turrets get 85% damage reduction for first 5 minutes
  • Reinforced Armor: 80% damage reduction when no enemy minions nearby
  • Regeneration: Inhibitor and nexus turrets regenerate health based on current health percentage

Stone turret with glowing crystal core

Stone turret with glowing crystal core

First Turret Bonus:

  • Grants 300 gold locally to team destroying first turret
  • Distributed among champions within 1200 range
  • Requires direct participation in destruction

Gold Distribution:

  • Local reward: Shared between nearby allies
  • Global reward: Given to entire team
  • Assistance credit: Given to champions damaging turret within last 10 seconds

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